Number News Title
0 World Accreditation Day (9 June 2020) #WAD2020
1 Training on the topic: Challenges and opportunities for strengthening women's entrepreneurship
2 Training for "Promotion of Women's Entrepreneurship"
3 Successfully Completed Final Monitoring of the Project "Energy Efficient Local Self-Government"
4 NBE part of a CIVICA Mobilitas networking event
5 NBE organized a roundtable meeting entitled "Energy Efficient Local Self-Government"
6 Raising the Public Awareness for Energy Efficiency at the Local Level in Macedonia
7 Second Workshop for Writing a Business Plan Successfully Organized
8 NBE organized the first of the two workshops for high-school graduates
9 Successfully Conducted Presentations of Programmes for Energy Efficiency in Three Municipalities in Macedonia
10 NBE continues with its support for high-school graduates in the field of Entrepreneurship
11 NBE signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with EA of R. Macedonia
12 Successfully Produced Policy Paper and Brief
13 NBE commences the activities for the project “Creative Business Plan for Successful Entrepreneurs”
14 NBE upholds its active role in the field of Regional Development in Macedonia
15 “Analysis of Financial Statements” – NBE continues with successful, quality training offerings
16 Successfully organized training on the topic “Social Media Marketing”
17 NBE Members Participated on an Eventful CIVICA Mobilitas CSO’s Networking Meeting
18 NBE’s project assistant was awarded on the First Conference for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development
19 NBE makes its presence on the First Student Conference for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development
20 Announcement
21 NBE member participated at the International Conference in Vallendar (Germany)
22 Public call for selection of municipalities for preparation of energy efficiency programs
23 A NBE member participating as a distinguished lecturer at the University of Economics in Wroclaw
24 NBE member participated at the International Conference organized by COST FA0904 action and Zurich University of Applied Sciences
25 Thermographic analysis of the public objects in 12 municipalities in Macedonia
26 Public presentation of a Policy paper
27 NBE started with implementation of the project “Energy Efficient Local Self Government”
28 NBE has signed a project grant contract with CIRa: A continuation of a Success Story
29 Strengthening of the organizational capacities through the TACSO capacity-building programme
30 Helpful insights and networking opportunities at the Think and Link seminar “Improving the policy impact of research”
31 NBE members participated in the first capacity-building event organized by TACSO
32 Successful conduction of the work-shops part of the project “Business plan as the roadmap to success”
33 Successfully carried out training in Project Proposal Writing for regional development
34 NBE visited EUREGIA – One of the biggest events in the field of regional development
35 Call for participation in training for writing project proposals (in December)
36 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
37 NBE examines the Slovenian institutional framework for regional development in order to extract the key success factors
38 NBE commences the activities, as part of the project “Business Plan as the Roadmap to Success”
39 International Conference for Nanocomposite materials
40 JA-YE Europe Enterprise Challenge 2012
41 NBE signed a contract for a project grant with the City of Skopje
42 Regional Conference “Employment Policies in South East Europe: Situation and Challenges”
43 NBE Members continue their active role in the field of Entrepreneurship
44 Most recent activities within the Waste Management and Waste as a Renewable Energy Resource project
45 Fundraising for regional development
46 Strengthening the Institutional Capacity by taking part in a Capacity-Building Seminar
47 NBE selected to participate in the TACSO Capacity-Building Programme
48 Capacity building for development of business idea
49 NBE submitted a successful project proposal, selected for funding by the European Fund for the Balkans
50 NBE members won 1st place at the World Bank essay competition