MBA Todor Milchevski, a member of NBE Foundation, took part in the regional conference on “Employment Policies in South East Europe: Situation and Challenges”, which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the 22-23 May 2012. The conference was organized by the Foundation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, as part of the Regional Project for Labour Relations and Social Dialogue in SEE.
The conference brought together representatives from governments, trade unions, employer’s associations and experts from South East Europe. The discussion panels were based on the studies on the employment policies being practiced in 10 SEE countries commissioned by the FES, and the authors provided an overview of their findings in regard to the topics being covered. The specific topics discussed on the conference were focused on essential tendencies in employment and unemployment, active and passive measures of the labour market, social dialogue in the sphere of employment and necessary changes in the labour market to achieve inclusion.
As part of this conference MBA Todor Milchevski presented the previously conducted study on employment policies for the Republic of Macedonia and took speech in Panel no.2: Discussion about Active and Passive Measures of the Labour Market. The study was prepared in collaboration with prof. Vesna Stojanova, PhD, a NBE member as well.
The study can be downloaded on the following link: