NBE has signed a project grant contract with CIRa: A continuation of a Success Story


On 10 December 2012, NBE signed a contract for project grant with the Center for Institutional Development – CIRa. The project is called “Energy Efficient Local Self Government” and is part of the CIVICA Mobilitas Program, implemented by CIRa and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Тhe main goal of the Program is to contribute towards capacity strengthening and sustainability of civil society organizations. Total of 23 civil society organizations in Macedonia were awarded with project and institutional grants.

NBE’s granted project entitled “Energy Efficient Local Self Government” will start on 01 January 2013 and will last until 31 December 2013. The project aims to improve the energy efficiency of local self governments by increasing their transparency and accountability for the implementation of energy efficiency measures and enhancing the process of planning and preparation of strategic documents.

The awarded project proposal incorporates the realization of the following activities:

1. Thermographic analysis of public objects in the municipalities:

A total of 20 thermographic studies will be prepared for 20 municipalities (at least 2 municipalities per planning region). Each study will encompass all public bodies (municipal buildings, schools, kindergartens and other public institutions at the local level) in selected municipalities. The termographic studies shall be prepared by a special thermographic camera. The thermographic images, part of the study, will effectively visualize the current situation of the buildings and their problematic parts that contribute to unnecessary spilling of heat. Besides the visual description of the situation of the objects, studies would include recommendations for increasing energy efficiency in the appropriate public objects.

2. Energy Efficiency Programs for Municipalities:

NBE will support the local government through preparation of several energy efficiency programs by co-financing. A three-year energy efficiency program and an annual action plan for the implementation of the energy efficiency program will be prepared in collaboration with the municipalities.

3. Report on monitoring the implementation of activities foreseen by energy efficiency programs and annual plans of the municipalities.

This activity will include all the municipalities that have already developed energy efficiency programs and annual action plans and will be realized in collaboration with the Centers for development of the planning regions and the municipalities.