ISO 14065 Validation and Verification Body Accreditation

ISO 14065:2013 Greenhouse gases — Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition

NBE offers internationally recognized accreditation programs for inspection bodies. NBE 14065 (GHG) accreditation shows that an organization has met the international standard for Greenhouse gases—Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies.

In response to international demand, the national accreditation bodies of the world’s major economies have joined together through the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to harmonise the accreditation requirements for the application of ISO 14065.

NBE offers accreditation service of greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification bodies to ISO 14065 and IAF MD 6 (IAF Mandatory Document ) for the application of ISO 14065.

Should of organisations seeking to make GHG assertions that are internationally recognised :

  • ISO 14064-1 Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
  • ISO 14064-2 Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements.
  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol—Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol—GHG Protocol for Project Accounting.

Applicants seeking to validate or verify GHG assertions for regulatory schemes, or for the purposes of emissions trading, will need to contact the appropriate regulatory authority. While the regulatory schemes are likely to be in line with the ISO requirements, they all have specific frameworks and requirements which are applicable to validation, verification and GHG assertions within the particular regulatory schemes.

Required Documents for Accreditation

Application Form for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Bodies


Guideline on Accreditation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification Bodies


Guidance on Accreditation of VB Operating in the Verification of Greenhouse GE's in Aviation


Control Form for Verification Bodies


Accreditation Contract for Verification Bodies


Guideline for Management System Certification Bodies


Conformity Assessment Body Authorized Person Decleration Form


Guideline on Calculations of Assessment Time (MD) for Accreditation Assessments


Guidance on the Accreditation of Bodies Providing Services Through Branches


Cross Frontier Accreditation Rules


Guideline on Professional Liability Insurance of the Accredited Bodies


Conditions for the Use of NBE Accreditation Symbol


Guideline on Accreditation Service Fees


Procedure for the Appeals and Complaints
